What makes the maintenance engineering function critical to Baxter’s manufacturing operations?
You could probably describe the engineering team as the ‘go-to team’ because we collaborate and support most other teams on site. Whether that’s attending breakdowns to machinery, problem-solving a quality issue, or assisting the projects team with a new installation. We interact and support most individuals on site. The highly skilled individuals that make up the team are crucial to the manufacturing ability of the business.
What has been the most rewarding part of your transition within your roles at Baxter?
It’s been an amazing journey when I look back now. I’ve enjoyed each role I’ve taken and there have been several rewarding aspects to each one of them. Starting as a maintenance engineer there was job satisfaction in resolving difficult breakdowns, all the way to my role now where I support and provide the team with the training and tools to resolve the same issues I faced then. The desire to improve and overcome issues is the same as I when I started however the role requires my efforts to be used differently now.
What inspired you to transition from the forces into an engineering and ultimately a leadership role in manufacturing?
I was in the engineering trade In the RAF as an Avionic Technician working on Tornado GR4 aircraft mostly, so the desire to carry those skills on in an engineering world made sense. When I decided to leave, I always wanted to work in a business that, in my eyes, made a difference. A pharmaceutical company such as Baxter that supports the NHS in such a big way was a big attraction and was a big driver in why I applied here in the first place. I wouldn’t say I was looking for a leadership role when I started; I was approached at each promotion and with each step my confidence and own leadership ideas grew.
How do you foster innovation and adaptability within your team, traits you likely honed in the forces?
One of the key skills I was taught in the RAF was using the teams’ wealth of knowledge to overcome issues or create better ways of working, which was crucial to success. The engineering team contains so many talented individuals, each with their history, ways of working and problem-solving. Bringing their ideas together and deciding on a way forward gives a greater chance of success.
What leadership principles from your forces career do you apply in your current role?
One of the senior engineering officers I worked with in the RAF taught me about the inverted leadership triangle and using this principle to identify and provide your ‘customer’ with the tools and training to carry out the business goal. This resonated with me and gave me a different outlook on leadership. The typical top-down leadership approach in an engineering world limits innovation and dampens motivation. I believe in supporting the team with the correct training and removing the obstacles that hinder them.
What advice would you give to job seekers with non-traditional backgrounds who are interested in roles at Baxter?
Go for it. Don’t fear making mistakes. The engineering team here at Thetford has several ex-forces individuals, all of whom went through the same concerns and anxieties about life outside of the forces. They are thriving members of the team. Whether that’s as an engineer or another role at Baxter the support is always given to those who make the effort.
How has your personal story resonated with others at Baxter, especially veterans or those with unconventional career paths?
I’m not sure I can answer this one, but I’d like to think that I can hopefully inspire someone to take the plunge. Stick your head above the parapet and see what happens. I never imagined the journey would take me to the role I am in now.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vitae faucibus lectus. Nunc vel elit id mauris tincidunt varius. Pellentesque finibus diam in lectus sagittis, in bibendum est dapibus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse potenti. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis ac ex ligula. Morbi nibh ante, rhoncus eu pretium non, tristique a dui. Suspendisse sit amet tempor turpis. Quisque nec diam justo. Phasellus efficitur ultrices odio, non varius risus tincidunt et. Nunc ac turpis feugiat, gravida turpis quis, laoreet.

What makes the maintenance engineering function critical to Baxter’s manufacturing operations?
You could probably describe the engineering team as the ‘go-to team’ because we collaborate and support most other teams on site. Whether that’s attending breakdowns to machinery, problem-solving a quality issue, or assisting the projects team with a new installation. We interact and support most individuals on site. The highly skilled individuals that make up the team are crucial to the manufacturing ability of the business.

How do you foster innovation and adaptability within your team, traits you likely honed in the forces?
One of the key skills I was taught in the RAF was using the teams’ wealth of knowledge to overcome issues or create better ways of working, which was crucial to success. The engineering team contains so many talented individuals, each with their history, ways of working and problem-solving. Bringing their ideas together and deciding on a way forward gives a greater chance of success.

What has been the most rewarding part of your transition within your roles at Baxter?
It’s been an amazing journey when I look back now. I’ve enjoyed each role I’ve taken and there have been several rewarding aspects to each one of them. Starting as a maintenance engineer there was job satisfaction in resolving difficult breakdowns, all the way to my role now where I support and provide the team with the training and tools to resolve the same issues I faced then. The desire to improve and overcome issues is the same as I when I started however the role requires my efforts to be used differently now.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vitae faucibus lectus. Nunc vel elit id mauris tincidunt varius. Pellentesque finibus diam in lectus sagittis, in bibendum est dapibus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse potenti. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis ac ex ligula. Morbi nibh ante, rhoncus eu pretium non, tristique a dui. Suspendisse sit amet tempor turpis. Quisque nec diam justo. Phasellus efficitur ultrices odio, non varius risus tincidunt et. Nunc ac turpis feugiat, gravida turpis quis, laoreet.
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